ls vegas high definition liposuction

Liposuction 360 Las Vegas

Welcome To Lipo 360 Las Vegas

High Definition Liposuction

Liposuction is a surgical procedure that removes excess fat from specific body areas. Liposuction techniques can remove stubborn pockets of body fat, such as those around your waist or thighs. It can also help you achieve a slimmer figure by body contouring and removing unwanted bulges in certain body parts. The most common liposuction areas are the abdomen, inner thighs, flanks, and back. With some kinds of liposuction fat can be removed from the chin and neck, arms and legs. Most patients have several areas treated at once.

Liposuction's primary goal is to remove localized pockets of stubborn fat that won't respond to diet and exercise. However with developments in technology and methodology, some surgeons are specializing in advance body sculpting called liposculpture.

Liposuction's benefits are numerous, including reduced fat, cellulite, and with some methods, moderate skin tightening. It improves the contours of your body by the targeted removal of excess fat. The result is a slimmer figure with more definition of shapely muscles.

Liposuction can be performed with other procedures to achieve a shapely, more toned appearance. For example, many patients who undergo tummy tucks and breast augmentations with liposuction find their bodies look even better than before surgery.

Liposuction Las Vegas

Aesthetic Improvements Can Soar A Sense Of New Self-Confidence

Liposuction surgery can improve the aesthetic appearance of your body, making you feel better about yourself. Patients often describe feeling self-conscious about their bodies because of the presence of large lumps of fat. However, with realistic expectations and correcting this problem through liposuction, many say they feel less self-conscious and happier with themselves.

We'll discuss the Liposuction techniques and what you want from your body contouring procedure and answer all of your questions. Next, we'll review your medical history and perform a thorough examination; this allows us to develop an individualized treatment plan just for you! Afterward, we'll review your preoperative instructions and anesthesia options.

And liposuction is not just for women these days. More and more men are opting in for a one-day chest and ab creation of their six-pack!

Enjoy The Information Below

We want our patients to have enough information to understand all their options. We provide helpful information about liposuction in Las Vegas for your benefit.

Below you’ll find sections about:

HD Lipo 360

Las Vegas Liposuction

HD Lipo 360 Las Vegas is an essential term for prospective cosmetic surgery patients to understand and appreciate the possibilities for their surgical outcomes. Lipo is shorthand for liposuction. The HD in the term HD Lipo 360 stands for high-definition. We are Las Vegas High Definition Liposuction.

The HD term distinguishes our approach from traditional liposuction. It describes our preference to use VASER technology to remove more fat than any other method, to define our patients' muscles, and to sculpt body contours in a way only VASER can achieve.

The term Lipo 360 Las Vegas describes our circumferential approach to the art of the human body and the location of our surgery center. A sculpture is 3D, like the human body. It has curves and contours. For high-definition liposuction to look as good as it can be, your surgeon must think in curves, blend contours, and appreciate the dimensions of the human form.

As you read the sections below, we describe the different types of liposuction with emphasis on why VASER emerges as the gold-standard liposuction. In our experience, you can't have true high-definition lipo without VASER.

Not every surgeon has the artist's eye and the technical skills to deliver true HD Lipo 360. But you're in luck in Las Vegas. Dr. Ahmed has both talents.


Types of Liposuction

Traditional Tumescent Liposuction

Instead of using energy, like laser or ultrasound to break down fat, tumescent liposuction uses a liquid solution, the surgeon injects the liquid into the fat in the targeted areas of the patient's body for extraction.

Tumescent liposuction is generally done with one of two methods: wet and super wet. In either method, the surgeon injects a fat-hydrating solution containing a local anesthetic and epinephrine. Either method makes it possible to remove fat from the targeted areas. The solution used reduces bleeding and, therefore, reduces the chances of complications during surgery. This effect is due to the solution ingredients constricting capillaries. It also helps with after bruising, but either of these methods naturally does more tissue damage than other technologies, which means more discomfort and healing time.

Tumescent liposuction is a core technology required for Lipo 360 Las Vegas style!

Laser Liposuction

Laser liposuction is a technique that uses a laser to remove excess fat.  The disadvantage is that the viability of the fat for transfer is less than that of new technologies like VASER and is not used for BBL or natural breast augmentation.


SmartLipo is a type of laser liposuction treatment available today. It's a safe, effective, and minimally invasive procedure.  Many consider it a marketing term instead of a distinct form of liposuction.

LV Liposuction

eNon-Surgical Fat Freezing or Coolsculpting

Fat freezing is a popular cosmetic procedure that can be used to remove unwanted fat from the body without surgery. However, it's not without its risks and complications. PAH, or Paradoxical adipose hyperplasia, is a known issue that requires surgical revision to correct.

VASER Ultrasound-Assisted Liposuction

The VASER is a newer technology that removes fat cells with minimal damage to surrounding tissues. VASER uses ultrasound waves to break up and liquefy fatty tissue draining through small cannulas in the body. This process takes less time than traditional liposuction techniques and significantly reduces recovery times. There is much less bruising and pain as surrounding connective tissues, and blood vessels are not damaged like in other liposuction forms. VASER has two distinctions that other methods do not offer. It allows surgeons to remove the largest amount of fat in one procedure and can access layers of fat that other technologies cannot.

VASER High-Definition Liposuction

Liposuction Las Vegas abs

VASER Hi-Def liposuction is an advanced procedure that uses the latest technology in liposculpture to extract fat cells from both the deep and superficial layers. That means a surgeon has the opportunity to:

  • Shape by removing targeted fat
  • Etch muscle definition by removing superficial fat and revealing contours of underlying abdominal muscles to accentuate a patient’s natural musculature
  • Harvest healthy fat for transfer to desire areas, like the buttocks

Fat around the abdomen can be tough to lose solely with diet and exercise. Many of our clients have tried different diet and exercise programs but have been met with only limited success. This stubbornness is because abdominal fat is a special type of fat –– one that is more resistant to changes in nutrition and activity.

Through expertly utilizing the best cosmetic technologies and techniques, Dr. Mustafa Ahmed has helped hundreds of patients achieve their ideal physique. From body contouring procedures to post-bariatric body rejuvenation, Dr. Ahmed offers a wide range of cosmetic solutions.

One unique requirement for VASER HD Lipo is a series of 3-6 lymphatic drainage massages following your procedure. The massages are critical for two reasons as VASER softens fat to a butter-like consistency, and your remaining fat gradually hardens over the day following your surgery:

  1. The massages flush additional fat from your body
  2. These highly specialized massages are essential to retaining some of the shapings your surgeon creates during surgery
  3. The ultimate Lipo 360 Las Vegas results are achieved with VASER Liposuction

The first step to seeing a happier and sexier body is to schedule a personal consultation at our Las Vegas offices.

Body Sculpting

As a leading Las Vegas body sculptor, Dr. Ahmed has three connected skills to deliver outstanding results.

First is the eye of the sculptor, the ability to "see" the desired body contours of his patient. He must clearly understand the patient's desires and communicate what is possible with a precise surgical plan. He has to think in 3D and have a 360 view of the patient from all perspectives.

Second, Dr. Ahmed has the technology in his operating room to produce the desired result. He must be a skilled surgeon who keeps his patients safe. He also must use the best technology and protocols for optimal results. VASER technology is key to high-definition results and preserving the viability of the fat removed, so it may be used for a BBL or preventing hip dips. We discuss this further in the fat transfer section below.

Third, is the ability of the sculptor to be able to add to the human form as well as remove unwanted fat. A great example is creating a "snatched waist ."This exaggerated hourglass figure is achieved not just by removing fat from the abdomen but by adding hip fullness and the curves of the butt. Yes, he subtracts from the waist, flanks, and back, but he adds to the hips and butt to create the snatched waist look.

LV Lipo

Fat Grafting

Las Vegas BBL Fat Grafting

Fat grafting is a surgical treatment to restore volume loss due to age, genetics, injury, illness, weight fluctuations, pregnancy, or medical procedures. It involves taking fat cells from one location in the body and placing them in another area where needed. This process is called autologous fat transplantation.

A fat transfer procedure is a cosmetic surgery that removes unwanted fat from one body region and transfers it to another area where it can add shape and dimension. If a patient chooses to use their fat, surgeons often harvest fat from the hips, thighs, abdomen, love handles, and even the legs.

The fat is then processed and purified under sterile conditions. The surgeon injects the purified fat into the desired site. Healthy fat develops its newly formed blood supply and is safe from rejection as the tissue is yours.

VASER liposuction allows for harvesting the most viable fat of all liposuction methods. This viability and proper handling means much more fat remaining in transplanted areas. The lymph system will inevitably carry some fat away, so some surgeons "overfill" to allow for that factor.

This transferred fat is available with your VASER liposuction procedure at Lipo 360 Las Vegas Body Sculpting.

How Much Does Liposuction Cost?

The liposuction cost will vary depending on where on the body you want treatment, how much fat you want removed, and what type of anesthesia (local/general) you require. Your surgeon can provide you with an estimate of costs before performing any treatments. The average price for high-definition liposuction in Las Vegas starts at $8,000. Liposuction cost depends on the extent of the procedure required to address your concerns.

Fortunately, financing options are available to cover most of the price. In addition, insurance companies often cover part or even the total costs of specific cosmetic procedures. Don't hesitate to contact us so we can assist you in exploring insurance benefits.

Preparing For Liposuction

Dr. Ahmed will give you guidelines, but here are some basics to know.

  • Stop taking any vitamins or medications that thin your blood (i.e., aspirin, blood thinners, specific vitamins)
  • If you smoke, stop a minimum of 6 weeks before. Smoking increases your risk of blood clotting during and after surgery. Dr. Ahmed will test for nicotine if you are a smoker.
  • If you need to lose weight to make the most out of your procedure, set a goal and schedule your liposuction accordantly.
  • Arrange for the time off work you need and for help at home (in general with no other surgery, a week)
Las Vegas lipo

What to Expect

Liposuction what to expect

What Should I Expect During The Procedure?

Liposuction is generally performed under general anesthesia, meaning you will be asleep throughout the procedure. Lipo 360 Las Vegas style may be performed with local or general anesthesia.  The choice is up to you and your surgeon in partnership.

Immediately following the procedure, you will go home and rest. You will likely have some discomfort and experience tightness in the skin. The swelling usually lasts for several hours and then gradually goes away. You must likely wear compression garments, and the Doctor will indicate what is necessary.

Most patients return to normal activities within two weeks. Full recovery from liposuction typically takes four to six months. During this period, you may notice tiny droplets of fat remaining in areas where Dr. Ahmed removed large amounts. Your body will continue to absorb these droplets over time.

What To Expect During Recovery

Recovery time varies based on the amount of work done during the procedure. You should expect to spend several days recovering at home. Some patients return to work within a few days, while others take longer. Most people resume normal activities within two weeks.

How Long Will My Results Last?

Most people with stable body weight see continued results for many years after undergoing the procedure. Some patients have continued to enjoy these benefits for decades.

Risks & Side Effects

Although risks associated with liposuction are rare, possible complications include bleeding, infection, bruising, numbness, swelling, scarring, and injury to nerves or blood vessels. However, the risks can be minimized with proper preparation, good medical care, and learning about all aspects of the procedure.

Before having liposuction, make sure you know the following:
• What are realistic expectations?
• Any potential complications
• How much recovery time is required

Recovery after liposuction takes about a week to 10 days to recover fully. In the weeks after surgery, you should avoid strenuous activity until healed. Strenuous physical activity can increase the risk of blood clots forming in your legs or lungs. If you smoke, ask Dr. Ahmed if you should quit smoking before your procedure. Smoking increases your risk of blood clotting during and after surgery.
Results from liposuction surgery can last permanently if proper care is taken to maintain your results.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. What is HD liposculpture in Las Vegas?
    • HD liposculpture is an advanced body contouring procedure in Las Vegas that uses high-definition techniques to sculpt and define specific body areas.
  2. What is Las Vegas Lipo 360?
    • Las Vegas Lipo 360 is a comprehensive liposuction procedure that targets multiple body areas, providing 360-degree body contouring.
  3. How does 360 liposuction work in Las Vegas?
    • 360 liposuction in Las Vegas involves the removal of excess fat from various areas around the body, resulting in a more sculpted and balanced appearance.
  4. Where can I find a lipo sculpt specialist in Las Vegas?
    • You can find lipo sculpt specialists in Las Vegas by researching local clinics and board-certified plastic surgeons who offer this procedure.  We suggest you contact Dr. Ahmed for a complimentary consultation.
  5. Is 360 lipo available in Las Vegas?
    • Yes, 360 lipo is available in Las Vegas and is offered by skilled plastic surgeons and clinics specializing in body contouring, like ours.
  6. What's the cost of Lipo 360 in Las Vegas?
    • The cost of Lipo 360 in Las Vegas can vary depending on the extent of the procedure, the areas being treated, and the surgeon's fees. It's best to consult with Dr. Ahmed for an accurate quote.
  7. Where can I find a liposculpture doctor in Las Vegas?
    • You can find a liposculpture doctor in Las Vegas by searching for board-certified plastic surgeons or medical clinics specializing in liposculpture.
  8. What is the typical price for liposculpture in Las Vegas?
    • The cost of liposculpture in Las Vegas varies based on factors such as the number of areas treated and the surgeon's expertise. Consultation with a specialist is recommended for pricing details.
  9. Where can I get smart lipo in Las Vegas?
    • Smartlipo, a laser-assisted liposuction technique, is available in Las Vegas. Research local providers or clinics offering this technology.
  10. Is liposuction in Vegas a safe procedure?
    • Liposuction is generally considered safe when performed by qualified and experienced medical professionals. Ensure you choose a board-certified surgeon for the best results.

Schedule Your Complimentary Consultation

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Meet Your Surgeon Mustafa Ahmed, MD

Mustafa Ahmed, MD, is a triple board-certified cosmetic surgeon passionate about high-definition liposuction and related procedures. Dr. Ahmed is honored to help improve the lives of the men and women of Southern Nevada who see him for their cosmetic surgery needs.

You have options for medical aesthetics and cosmetic surgery, and having that choice is beautiful. Today’s liposuction technology has evolved. Results are possible today with a thoroughly trained and highly skilled doctor like Dr. Ahmed that simply was not available just a few years ago.

Education has always played a central role in Dr. Ahmed’s life. He earned his medical degree from Ohio State University College of Medicine in Columbus. Dr. Ahmed went on to refine his skills and knowledge through a residency in internal medicine at Mount Carmel Medical Center in Columbus with a residency in general surgery at Morehouse School of Medicine in Atlanta.

ls vegas high definition liposuction