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Tummy Tuck Las Vegas

Tummy Tuck Las Vegas

One of the most common cosmetic procedures in the United States is a tummy tuck. But let’s narrow it down a little and talk about a Tummy Tuck Las Vegas style.

Whether you live in Las Vegas or are looking for a good reason to visit, if you are considering cosmetic surgery, this may be a great reason to see us. Dr. Ahmed is a talented cosmetic surgeon with extensive experience and an expert on all things related to tummy tucks.

What makes a tummy tuck Las Vegas style at Las Vegas High Definition Liposuction Center? There are several factors, including the unique talents of our surgeon, Dr. Ahmed:

  • We are familiar with several different types of tummy tucks designed to fill the health needs and cosmetic goals of our patients, as you will read below
  • We know that tummy tucks (abdominoplasty) are primarily done for cosmetic reasons, but several other conditions may warrant special consideration and a targeted approach to which type of surgery a patient needs (see next section)
  • Our surgeon, Dr. Ahmed is also skilled in bariatric surgery and understands the unique approach to patients with extreme weight loss and high skin redundancy
  • And lastly, as we say, "What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas!". Our out-of-town patients frequently want to return home from their "vacation" looking like a million dollars. It can be your secret!



Las Vegas Tummy Tuck

7 Reasons Tummy Tucks Are Done – Cosmetic and Non-Cosmetic

When you have a tummy tuck Las Vegas style, you may be looking for relief for your abdomen for more than one reason. For example, a surprising number of patients need hernia repair, while many have an unsightly scar that need to be redone or relocate as in the case of a C-Section. A full tuck with muscle repair can alleviate a fair amount of chronic back pain.

#1 To Tighten Abdominal Muscles

When the underlying abdominal muscles are overstretched or damaged, which can happen as a result of pregnancies, a tummy tuck may be needed to return muscles to their former or improved state. This muscle damage is called diastasis, a condition that causes the muscles to spread apart. It can also occur in both female and male patients as a result of considerable weight gain and then weight loss.

So, how do you know if you have diastasis? You can tell if you have diastasis by raising your legs while lying flat. If that movement produces a noticeable vertical bulge, you most likely have a diastasis.

The underlying muscles are surgically tightened, much like a girdle during an abdominoplasty, giving patients' midsections the firmer, flatter appearance they desire.

#2 To Repair a Hernia

When an organ pushes through a tear in muscle or tissue, hernias develop. As a rule, they do not pose a life-threatening threat and most frequently manifest in the abdomen. Hernias, however, cannot heal by themselves. The good news is your surgeon can assess if your hernia can be fixed during a tummy tuck.

Hernias start to form a hole in the muscles through which internal tissues are pushed, unlike diastasis, which causes the underlying muscles to spread apart. It is not uncommon that during a consultation for a tummy tuck, a hernia is found. They are most frequently discovered close to the belly button and where previous surgical incisions were made but, they also develop from heavy lifting and as we age, and the muscles get weaker.

#3 To Remove Excess Skin

Pregnancy and weight fluctuations degrade the elasticity of the skin on the stomach and create stretch marks. Once the skin has overstretched, it is impossible to get it back to looking taut through exercise and diet alone. This is one of the main reasons people decide to get a tummy tuck. They are self-conscience about loose skin beneath or above the waistband of their pants and in revealing clothes like swimsuits.

A mini tummy tuck is done to remove moderate to severe loose skin below the navel, usually with only a modest scar below the bikini line. A bonus is with the removal of excess skin, the stretch marks are gone in that area!

#4 To Remove Excess Fat

Not only can extra skin and connected fat be removed during a tummy tuck, but liposuction can also be used to remove more body fat from the stomach region. Some of the underlying fat is cut out with excess skin. However, because liposuction preserves blood and lymph vessels, it is regarded as the gold standard for removing more fat in the surrounding areas. As a result, there is a lower chance of bleeding, no excessive drainage, and it prevents a reduction in blood flow to the skin.

Compared to a traditional old-style tummy tuck which surgically removes more fat, liposuction generally enables more fat to be removed with less trauma and shortens the healing time.

#5 To Remove Or Relocate Scars

Removing or relocating visible scars around the midsection is another benefit of tummy tuck surgery. Abdominoplasty can improve c-section or hysterectomy scars. This makes female patients happy who are self-conscious about their appearance in swimwear and with their partners. In some cases, the scar can be relocated lower to be less visible. Cosmetic surgeons tend to be much more conscientious about incisions and suturing for the best possible appearance over time.

Similarly, scars from other surgeries resulting in hernias like appendicectomies can also be removed to make freshly smoothed skin on the stomach look much improved.

#6 To Improve Posture And Decrease Back Pain and Incontinence

A Tummy tuck Las Vegas style may help both men and women suffering from back pain. The stomach muscles are weaker after a significant weight loss or after giving birth, which for some women, causes back pain. The abdomen can better support the spine and lessen back pain after a tummy tuck by tightening the supporting muscles.

We naturally adjust our posture to try and minimize back pain, and better posture is often the result of reducing back pain and tightening the abdominal muscles. There are even cases in which insurance will pay for the procedure for medical vs. cosmetic reasons.

Two very common problems after childbearing are back pain and incontinence. In a study, women were queried about these most common after-effects.  A surprising 51% of women had moderate to severe back pain, while 42.5% reported urinary incontinence as a "significant concern."

#7 To Improve Self-Confidence

Does self-esteem suffer because you feel self-conscious about the extra skin, fat, or scarring around your stomach area? As a result, you might be less likely to wear tighter-fitting clothing or swimsuits. Or do you find yourself avoiding social or professional settings due to feeling self-conscientious about your appearance? In addition to restoring your figure and boosting your self-confidence, a tummy tuck may go a long way toward making you feel younger and more energetic!

Is having defined, firm abs your goal? A tummy tuck can help you achieve a toned, sculpted midsection. The advantages of a tummy tuck Las Vegas are numerous, ranging from the removal of extra skin and fat to the underlying stomach muscles being strengthened and feeling more confident about your appearance. Add VASER liposuction to your procedure, and a talented surgeon can sculpt the fat away from your six-pack, revealing your muscles in one day.


Kinds Of Tummy Tucks

By removing extra skin and fat, a tummy tuck improves the midsection's appearance. Most tummy tuck procedures involve repairing abdominal muscles that have weakened and stretched due to pregnancy or significant weight loss. Tummy Tuck Las Vegas style simply means that your safety, goals, expectations, and recovery are paramount to us no matter which type of tuck you have. And…what happens in Las Vegas stays in Vegas!

Full Tummy Tuck With and Without Muscle Repair

A full tummy tuck addresses the entire abdominal area. After trimming the extra skin, the skin of the upper abdomen is drawn downward like a window shade. The flatter, smoother skin is stitched together. The belly button's new opening is made in a properly done procedure. A hole is poked through the skin to expose the belly button, which is then sutured to look as natural as possible.

But how can you tell if your tummy tuck requires muscle repair or if you need to address extra skin and fat tissue? The answer lies in your abdominal muscles.

Diastasis, also known as abdominal muscle separation, is common in patients considering getting a full tummy tuck. Two parallel bands of muscles running down the stomach's middle make up the abdominal wall. These muscles give you the appearance of having a "six-pack" when not covered in fat. The fascia, a thin layer of tissue, connects the band of muscles. When a woman is pregnant or a person gains considerable weight, the abdomen enlarges, stretching the fascia and the abdominal muscles, which results in a gap.

The stomach gradually returns to its pre-form after losing weight and giving birth, but some muscle slackness may endure, especially in the case of a large weight loss or multiple pregnancies. This slackness results in a belly pooch or a protruding belly. Surgery is the only thing that can be done to fix the abdomen when this happens. Exercise and diet alone cannot naturally strengthen the weak, separated abdominal muscles. In a tummy tuck, sutures pull the connective tissue and muscles tight and back into place, even tighter than before.

Although muscle repair usually results in a flatter, more toned abdomen after a tummy tuck, it is not always necessary. Not all people who lose weight experience muscle separation. For example, women who undergo a caesarian section do not always need muscle repair because the muscle separation was fixed during the C-section.

To get the best results from a tummy tuck, liposuction to remove extra fat may or may not always be warranted but should certainly be discussed for best results.

With a full tummy tuck, the scar will be below the bikini line and generally be hip to hip, depending on the best length to keep the scar as flat as possible. For “dog ears” to be avoided when the scar heals, the surgeon must consider how much excess skin and fat are in the hip area, so they do not leave a pooch of skin (dog ears) at the ends of the scar.

Mini Tummy Tuck

A mini tummy tuck is a much-simplified version of the full tuck, generally performed to remove excess skin and fat below the belly button resulting in a flatter, more toned abdomen. With the mini tuck, the belly button is not affected, as the focus is entirely on the area below the navel.

More often than not, the muscles are not addressed in this procedure. In some instances where the lower abdominal muscles are lax or need repair, your surgeon may recommend it for a superior result.

The skin is then pulled tight, and the incision is closed. Typically, a smaller incision is made just above the pubic bone during a mini-tummy tuck.

Reverse Tummy Tuck

A reverse tummy tuck is in the same category as the mini tuck. This procedure is performed to remove excess skin on the upper abdomen above the belly button.

A small incision is made along the breast crease's inframammary fold and largely concealed by the natural drop of the breast. Your surgeon will remove the unsightly fatty deposits along with unwanted loose skin along the upper abdomen. The remaining skin is pulled upward until it is taut. The belly button does not need to be moved during this procedure, as it frequently is during a traditional tummy tuck.

The ideal patient for a reverse tummy tuck procedure may be patients who have lost a significant amount of weight and are plagued by sagging tissue above their belly button. This procedure is also commonly done for patients that have had a full Tummy Tuck and accumulate upper abdominal fat over time.

Extended Tummy Tuck

The extended tummy tuck is a prolonged version of the full tummy tuck with or without muscle repair. The extended tuck is necessary when a patient has moderate to extensive lower back, and flank fullness or prominent love handles.

The same results—tightening the abdomen and removing extra skin and fat—are produced by this procedure. The incisions used during these two procedures are the only distinction. A hip-to-hip incision that wraps under the belly button is made along the bikini line as part of a full Tummy Tuck. Like a full Tummy Tuck, an extended Tummy Tuck has an incision that extends past the hips to the back. Additionally, the Extended Tummy Tuck may make it possible for the surgeon to do additional waistline narrowing as more excess fat and skin are removed around the love handles.

This procedure may also be necessary to avoid the dog ears pooch at the end of the incision to keep the scar flat if there is too much excess skin and fat. Rather than trying to avoid a longer scar, a neat, longer scar vs. one that is ragged or pouchy at the ends is a better result.

Fleur-de-Lis Tummy Tuck

Fleur-de-lis tummy tuck is a special tummy tuck technique. It is classically used for post-bariatric patients with substantial amounts of excess skin to be removed surgically. After significant weight loss, it is necessary to remove skin, one, horizontally across the lower abdomen and two, vertically along the midline. This results two different scars.

Both male and female patients undergoing gastric bypass surgery and significant weight loss are candidates to undergo the fleur-de-lis tuck procedure. These patients typically present with massive skin excess in the abdomen after losing over 100 pounds or more. Unfortunately, the circumferential skin laxity in the midline and around the waist cannot be addressed with standard abdominoplasty techniques. This specialized approach must be used to address the patient’s wide girth and boxy appearance.

Combining a Tummy Tuck and VASER Liposuction

It is a common practice to combine tummy tuck surgery with liposuction. If you are having tummy tuck surgery, it is the optimal time to balance the proportions of your body to enhance your new, flat tummy.

If your surgeon does VASER liposuction they are able to do four things that cannot be done with conventional liposuction or any other method, including laser:

  1. Take as much as 40% more fat than by any other method
  2. Reduce the amount of bruising and swelling post-surgery due to lack of connective tissue and vascular trama
  3. Do abdominal etching that reveals your natural muscle contours
  4. Do more sophisticated body sculpting than previously possible

Keep in mind if you are having a plus-size tummy tuck, you want to come to the best tummy tuck surgeon in Las Vegas who has experience with patients at all levels of their fitness journey.

Risks of Tummy Tuck Surgery

As with any major surgery, a tummy tuck poses a risk of excessive bleeding, infection, and adverse reaction to anesthesia. When you have a Tummy Tuck Las Vegas style, you can rest assured that patient safety and aftercare are our highest priority.

The following are the risks from having a tummy tuck:

Skin sensation changes. The repositioning of your abdominal tissues during a tummy tuck may impact on the nerves in the abdomen. You'll probably experience numbness or diminished sensation. Typically, this gets better in the months following the procedure.

Fluid buildup underneath the skin (seroma). After surgery, drain tubes can aid in lowering the chance of fluid buildup. After surgery, your doctor may also drain fluid using a needle and syringe or recommend other treatments to eliminate or address this risk.

Unusual scarring. Tummy tuck incision scars are permanent, but they are typically hidden by the bikini line. Individual differences exist in the scar's length and degree of visibility. In some cases, patients are prone to poor healing or Keloid scarring. These types of scars occur most often in patients with dark skin, are under 30 years of age, or who have a family history of keloid scarring.

Wounds that do not heal well. On occasion, the incision line's surrounding tissues heal slowly or start to separate. To avoid an infection, you will receive antibiotics before, during, and after your surgery. It is imperative to stop smoking. Smoking affects wound healing negatively and can lead to increased bleeding.

Tissue damage. Fatty tissue deep under your skin in the abdomen may become damaged or even die during a tummy tuck. The chance of tissue damage increases if you smoke. The size of the damaged area will determine whether the tissue heals on its own or needs to be surgically repaired.

Having your surgery in an accredited facility by an experienced surgeon with excellent safety protocols will ensure your risks for side effects is minimal.

How To Prepare for Tummy Tuck Las Vegas Style

During your first visit with Dr. Ahmed, you will:

  • Discuss your medical history - Be ready to discuss your present and previous medical conditions in detail. Discuss any medications you are taking or have recently taken, as well as any recent or past surgeries.
    If you have a medication allergy, let your doctor know. Your doctor will probably inquire in-depth about your weight gain and loss if your desire for a tummy tuck is linked to weight loss.
  • He will do a physical exam – Ahmed will examine your abdomen to determine your treatment options. For your medical file and potential surgery, he may also take pictures of your abdomen and surrounding area.
  • Discuss your expectations - Talk about your objectives. Describe your reasons for wanting a tummy tuck and your expectations for your appearance following the procedure. Make sure you are aware of the procedure's advantages and risks, including the possibility of scarring. Remember that prior abdominal surgery may have limited your outcomes.

Other topics that may be relevant to discuss with Dr. Ahmed:

Smoking. Smoking delays healing because it reduces blood flow to the skin. Smoking also raises the chance of tissue damage. You will have to stop smoking at least six weeks prior to surgery and may need to pass a no-nicotine blood test before surgery.

Avoiding certain medications. You will need to stop taking aspirin, blood thinners, and other anti-inflammatory drugs.  Dr. Ahmed may also talk about herbal and vitamin supplements, which can increase bleeding. You will receive a list of the medications to stop prior to surgery.

Maintaining a stable weight. It is ideal to maintain a stable weight for 8 to 12 months before your surgery, regardless of which type of tummy tuck you are having. If you're overweight, Dr. Ahmed may recommend that you lose weight before the procedure, depending on the amount of extra weight you carry. Better to tackle weight loss before rather than after the procedure, as signification changes in weight can diminish your results.

Arranging for help after surgery and during recovery. You must have someone to drive you home and stay with you the first night of your recovery at home. If you are having multiple procedures, Dr. Ahmed may recommend a specialized overnight facility with nursing care for the first night or two.

What To Expect After Your Procedure

We perform our tummy tuck Las Vegas style in our state-of-the-art operating facility. You will be put under general anesthesia during a tummy tuck. You will be under sedation and pain-free throughout the surgery.

You will be given a prescription for pain for the first week or two. One of the options for pain management is a shot directly after your surgery that keeps you relatively pain-free for up to three days. Many patients take advantage of the consistent pain relief the shot offers.

Your belly button and abdominal incision will be covered with surgical dressing. To channel any extra blood or fluid, small tubes with drains are usually positioned close to the incision site. After surgery, drains remain in place for a few days. You will be shown how to clean and maintain your drains by your doctor or another member of our medical team. As long as the drains are in place, you may need to keep taking an antibiotic.

Following your tummy tuck, you must wear an abdominal binder for about six weeks. This prevents fluid accumulation, and offers abdominal support as you recover. How to take care of your scar and minimize its appearance as it heals will be explained by your doctor.

After your surgery, walking is essential to keep lymph fluids moving, the swelling down and avoid blood clots. Otherwise, you must exercise caution for the first six weeks and avoid most other forms of exercise and lifting more than ten pounds. To prevent the wound from reopening, you'll also need to avoid positions and activities that put a strain on your incision line. If you had VASER liposuction with your tummy tuck, a short series of lymphatic drainage massages is required to help push some of the remaining soften fat and tumescent fluids out of your body. Not only do the massages help with swelling, but they are also essential to ensuring the contouring done during your liposuction is maintained.

Expect to schedule follow-up visits to ensure your healing is progressing, and your results are as expected.

FAQ bout Tummy Tuck

What is a tummy tuck, and how does it differ from liposuction?

  • A tummy tuck, or abdominoplasty, is a surgical procedure that removes excess skin and fat from the abdominal area while also tightening the abdominal muscles. Liposuction, on the other hand, primarily targets fat removal without addressing excess skin or muscle tightening.

How much does a tummy tuck cost in Las Vegas?

  • The cost of a tummy tuck in Las Vegas can vary depending on several factors, including the surgeon's fees, facility costs, and the complexity of the procedure. It's best to schedule consultations with potential surgeons to get accurate pricing.

What is the typical recovery time after a tummy tuck?

  • Recovery time can vary, but most patients can expect several weeks of recovery. You may need to take time off work and avoid strenuous activities during this period. Your surgeon will provide specific post-operative care instructions.

Can I combine a tummy tuck with other cosmetic procedures?

  • Yes, many patients choose to combine a tummy tuck with other procedures like liposuction or breast augmentation. Discuss your goals with your surgeon to determine if combination procedures are suitable for you.

What is the ideal candidate for a tummy tuck?

  • Ideal candidates for a tummy tuck should be in good overall health, have excess abdominal skin and fat, and have realistic expectations about the results. Consult with a surgeon to assess your candidacy.

How long do the results of a tummy tuck last?

  • The results of a tummy tuck can be long-lasting, but maintaining a stable weight and a healthy lifestyle can help prolong the outcome.

What are the risks and complications associated with abdominoplasty?

  • Tummy tuck surgery, like any surgical procedure, carries risks. These can include infection, scarring, hematoma, and seroma. It's essential to discuss potential risks with your surgeon before the procedure.

How can I prepare for a tummy tuck?

  • Preparation for a tummy tuck may include maintaining a stable weight, quitting smoking if you smoke, and following your surgeon's pre-operative instructions closely.

Can stomach liposuction be combined with a tummy tuck?

  • Yes, stomach liposuction can be combined with a tummy tuck to achieve comprehensive body contouring results. Discuss your options with your surgeon during your consultation.

Conclusion - Lasting Results

With the excision of sagging skin and fat, a tummy tuck can give your abdomen a more toned and slimmer appearance. If your procedure requires muscle repair, you may have a flat stomach for the first time and have increased low back support, a welcome benefit.

Tummy tuck results are long-lasting provided you maintain a stable weight. Most women wait until they have finished having children to have this procedure, but should you get pregnant you can read about childbirth after a tummy tuck in our blog on the topic.

What’s Next?

If you are considering a Tummy Tuck Las Vegas style or want to know how much does a tummy tuck cost in Las Vegas, we invite you to come in for a consultation, and meet Dr. Ahmed and his team. We will make sure all your questions are answered and your goals realized! Whether you live in the area or are visiting for a couple of weeks, the secret to your amazing new figure is safe with us.

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