Different Types of Breast Augmentation

Are you considering breast augmentation and now choosing the types of breast augmentation that is best for you? It’s an increasingly popular procedure, and many options are available to meet your needs. Let’s evaluate the type of implant to use, how it should be inserted, and the risks and benefits of each approach. Here, I’ll explain the differences between the various procedures so that you can make a more informed decision about which best suits your situation.

Breast augmentation has come a long way since its introduction in 1962. Over time, we have made many advancements in materials used for implants and approaches for insertion and placement. Nowadays, patients have access to a wide range of types of breast augmentation journeys, from traditional silicone or saline implants to fat grafting techniques.

No matter what method you choose, many types of breast augmentation procedures involve incisions near the patient’s chest area, either beneath the breasts or around the nipples. By understanding how these different methods work and what they entail, you’ll be better equipped to decide which route will give you desired results with minimal risk of complications. Let’s look at some of the most common procedures now available…

Overview Of Options

Breast augmentation is a popular cosmetic procedure that can help enhance the size and shape of a woman’s breasts. There are several types of breast augmentation procedures, each with advantages and disadvantages. Patients should discuss all types of breast augmentation available to them with their surgeon before making an informed decision about which procedure is best for them.

The silicone implant technique is one of the most common methods used today. This involves inserting a silicone shell filled with either saline or silicone gel into the breast tissue. The implants come in various shapes, sizes, and textures, making it easy for patients to find one that suits their aesthetic goals. Saline implants may be slightly less expensive than those made from silicone; however, they have shorter lifespans requiring more frequent replacement operations.

Another option is fat transfer breast augmentation, also known as autologous fat transfer or micro lipo injection. We harvest fat cells through liposuction from other body parts during this procedure, then purified and injected them into the breasts to increase volume. Fat injections offer long-term results but often require multiple treatment sessions due to decreased retention rates compared to traditional implants.

There’s no guarantee that all donor fat will survive following injection, so some women may need additional follow-up treatments if they do not achieve the initially desired results. Ultimately, prospective patients need to understand these risks before undergoing any types of breast augmentation surgery so they can make an educated decision on what route is right for them based on their needs and preferences.


Moving on from the overview of options, we begin our discussion with implants. We can customize types of breast augmentation with implants to suit each patient’s needs. This type of surgery involves placing silicone or saline implants under the breast tissue or chest muscle to enhance the breasts’ size, shape, and symmetry.

Implants come in many shapes and sizes; this allows them to be tailored for you and your desired outcome. For example, round implants may work best if you want a more subtle enhancement; conversely, anatomical shaped implants are great for those seeking larger volume changes. Different shell surfaces, smooth versus textured, provide distinct advantages depending on your aesthetic goals.

The placement of the implant also plays an important role in achieving optimal results. Your surgeon will discuss with you whether it would be better to place the implant above or below the chest muscle based on your anatomy and desired outcome so that you can make an informed decision about what works best for you.

Fat Transfer

The benefits of Fat Transfer allow it to reshape the existing breast tissue while increasing its volume. During this procedure, we take small amounts of excess fat from other body parts, such as the abdomen or thighs, through liposuction and inject it into the breasts under local anesthesia. For optimal cosmetic outcomes, multiple sessions may be necessary.

No doubt about it – if you’re looking for a safe and minimally invasive way to augment your breasts with natural-looking results, the fat transfer could be just what you need! With little downtime required and less scarring than other procedures, it’s worth considering when deciding how to enhance your figure.

Scar Tissue Removal

Fat transfer is a types of breast augmentation procedure that involves transferring fat from one area of the body to the breasts. This method offers an increasingly popular option for women wanting to increase their bust size without implants or for those looking for subtle, natural-looking results. It’s best suited for patients with mild asymmetry in the shape and size of their breasts and those wanting minimal enlargement.

Scar tissue removal is an important part of this types of breast augmentation procedure. It’s necessary to ensure optimal results and for aesthetic reasons. As a cosmetic surgeon, I often see scarring from previous procedures that can detract from the overall look and feel of the breasts. Therefore, addressing any existing scar tissue to achieve beautiful and natural-looking breast enhancements is critical.

When removing scars during a breast augmentation, there are several techniques available depending on where the scarring is located:

  • Scar excision – This method physically removes old and new scars through precise incisions or laser treatments.
  • Subcision – Using a tiny needle, this technique breaks up deep fibrous bands beneath the skin that cause depression in the area around existing scarring.
  • Dermal fillers – By injecting hyaluronic acid-based dermal fillers into areas with scarring, these products help soften indentations caused by prior surgery.

Each patient will have unique needs in addressing issues related to scarring after a breast augmentation procedure. During your consultation, we can discuss which approach is best suited for you based on your case. With proper treatment planning and execution, you can expect impressive results that leave you feeling confident about your new look!

Cost And Recovery Time Considerations

When considering types of breast augmentation, cost and recovery time are two important factors. The price of the procedure can differ depending on the type of implant used, the size, and if other procedures, such as a lift or reduction, need to be done with it. Saline implants will cost less than silicone implants. In terms of recovery time, it typically takes around two weeks for most patients to return to their normal activities after surgery. However, this varies from person to person.

Patients who opt for fat transfer may experience shorter recovery times than those who get traditional breast implants. Ultimately, it is best to consult your cosmetic surgeon before deciding which procedure is right for you so that they can discuss all associated costs and expected downtime with you before going through with the procedure.

Risks And Benefits

When considering types of breast augmentation surgery, it is important to understand both the risks and benefits of the procedure. Saline-filled implants have a slightly higher risk than silicone-filled ones, although there can still be complications with either type. The most common issues associated with saline or silicone implants include rupture, capsular contracture (scar tissue around the implant hardens), deflation (a leaky implant), and infection.

It’s also important to consider the potential psychological effects before this surgery. Some patients may experience body dysmorphic disorder (BDD). BDD is an anxiety disorder where someone becomes excessively concerned about their appearance despite no physical defect present. Sometimes, people who already suffer from depression might find that it worsens after having your desired types of breast augmentation surgery. Many women report feeling more confident and attractive following their surgeries. Ultimately, carefully weighing all aspects of the procedure should help you decide whether it is right.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Is The Difference Between A Saline And A Silicone Implant?

At first glance, one might think saline and silicone types of breast augmentation implants are nearly identical. But on closer examination, it’s easy to see that these two procedures have some distinct differences. Let’s look at how they differ:

Saline Implants:


  • They are easier to insert because of their thinner profile
  •  We can use it in smaller incisions
  •  Are FDA approved for patients 18 years old or older?


  •  More prone to rippling under the skin;
  • Have a less natural feel than silicone implants;
  • It may only last for a shorter time than silicone implants.

Saline implants offer significant results when done correctly by an experienced cosmetic surgeon. However, silicone may be your better choice if you’re looking for a more natural feeling and longer-lasting results.

Silicone Implants:


  •  Provide a more natural look and feel of breasts compared to saline;
  •  Last up to 15 years with minimal maintenance required;
  • Require a larger incision but can cause fewer complications during insertion.                     


  • Not recommended for women under 22 years old;                     
  • Difficult to adjust the size after being inserted without additional surgery. You and your doctor should always decide which type of implant is best based on individual preferences and body type. As a Cosmetic Surgeon, I would recommend doing extensive research beforehand so that you can make the most informed decision possible before undergoing any procedure!

How Long Is The Average Recovery Time For A Breast Augmentation Procedure?

Regarding types of breast augmentation procedures, the recovery process matters in considering this procedure. On average, a patient will experience swelling and soreness for up to two weeks after surgery. However, complete healing of incisions can take around four to six weeks. During this time, patients must follow their doctor’s post-operative instructions carefully.

Most doctors recommend avoiding strenuous activities, such as contact sports or heavy lifting, during recovery. Sleep should be on your back and not on your side or stomach, so you don’t put pressure on the implant area. Besides physical activity restrictions, there are limitations placed on showering – usually only twice a week with gentle cleaning products recommended by the surgeon. It’s also important to wear supportive clothing like snug bras and avoid under-wire styles.

After following these precautions for several weeks, most women find they have fully recovered from their desired types of breast augmentation surgery and are ready to resume regular daily tasks and activities without discomfort or distress because of their new figures!

Are There Any Long-Term Risks Associated With Breast Augmentation?

Before deciding, it is important to understand the potential risks associated with breast augmentation. According to recent studies, over 300,000 women get breast implants yearly in the US alone. Patients should understand these long-term risks before deciding:

  • Skin rippling
  • Implant leakage or rupture
  • Infection at the incision site
  • Changes in nipple sensation

Given these potential risks, patients need to consult with their surgeon and thoroughly weigh all available options before undergoing any breast augmentation procedure. It is also important for patients to follow postoperative instructions closely to reduce the risk of infection or other complications. Regular checkups after your surgery can help detect any changes early on and alert you if there are issues with your implant. Your doctor may also recommend regular MRI screenings, depending on the type of implant used during your procedure.

As with any surgical procedure, you must discuss all potential outcomes and concerns with your doctor beforehand to decide what types of breast augmentation is right for you. Your doctor will provide further guidance regarding how best to prepare for the recovery period and answer questions you may have throughout the process.

Are There Any Non-Surgical Alternatives To Breast Augmentation?

When considering the types of breast augmentation procedures, many people may be interested in exploring non-surgical alternatives. While these don’t always provide the same level of results as traditional breast implants, they can still offer some enhancement.

There are several options available to those seeking alternative treatments for their breasts. These include fat transfer procedures and dermal fillers, such as hyaluronic acid injections. We injected hyaluronic acid into the skin around the breasts to plump them up slightly. Both techniques are relatively safe and can produce noticeable but subtle changes that won’t drastically alter your appearance.

It’s important to understand that neither of these methods will give you permanent results like traditional breast augmentation implant surgery, so if you’re looking for a more dramatic or long-lasting change, this might not be the right option. However, both approaches have minimal downtime and recovery time compared to surgical procedures, making them a good choice for those who want less invasive treatment with fewer risks.

Is There Any Way To Minimize Scarring After A Breast Augmentation Procedure?

Scarring after your desired type of breast augmentation procedure can be a major concern for many patients. After all, who wants to undergo invasive surgery and end up with permanent scarring that may detract from the look of their improved breasts? Fortunately, there are ways to minimize this risk while still achieving beautiful results.

As a cosmetic surgeon, I always strive to keep any post-procedure scarring as minimal as possible. Depending on the individual patient’s body shape and anatomy, we may use different methods during the surgery to achieve this goal. For instance, if appropriate for the surgical site, I will often use techniques such as careful dissection or tissue preservation to reduce tension on the incision line, which helps to lessen visible scarring. Once the procedure is complete, I advise my patients on how best to care for their skin afterward. This includes avoiding direct sun exposure by using sunscreen daily and wearing protective clothing outdoors, both of which help to prevent hyperpigmentation of scars which could cause them to stand out more than desired.

Ultimately, each patient’s experience is unique, and no two individuals respond exactly alike with healing from surgery; however, following these tips can help ensure that your desired types of breast augmentation lead you down the path toward an optimal outcome with minimal evidence of ever having had surgery at all!


Now that you have a better understanding of the different types of breast augmentation procedures available, it is time to consider which one may be best for you. As your cosmetic surgeon, I promise to work with you every step of the way and provide all the information so that you can make an informed decision.

Breast augmentation surgery is a safe and effective procedure by a qualified professional like myself. With proper care during recovery, there will be minimal scarring, and any risks associated with the different types of breast augmentation are manageable. Non-surgical alternatives exist if they are more suitable for your needs.

Ultimately, choosing types of breast augmentation comes down to what makes you feel most comfortable and happy in your skin – because we want nothing more than for our patients to look and feel their absolute best!